EDWARD SCISSORHANDS – Theatre Royal Plymouth – A Second Viewing


24 November 2023




It is not often you get the chance to see the same production twice within a week, but some shows are so well worth seeing more than once so close together.

My main review for this wonderful production by Matthew Bourne can be seen here – https://theatreplays.uk/edward-scissorhands-theatre-royal-plymouth/ and everything mentioned there is still applicable. As with many ballet and dance companies, casts can change from performance to performance and New Adventures is no different – you see new interpretations, slightly different takes on some of the characters. Some of the swapped characters in this performance are wonderfully fun; James Lovell has swapped Todd Gaibright – one half of a camp male couple, to the very unsexy George Monroe who is married to the vamp Joyce – it’s a wonderful juxtaposition and a brilliant piece of acting – which goes for the whole cast.

Not appearing in the first performance I saw, but taking on the role of Edward Scissorhands (which he shares with Liam Mower) is Irish dancer, Stephen Murray – and he is utterly tremendous – he imbues Edward with his own charm, twinkle and emotion  and brings the house down. A consummate performer and a masterly piece of theatre. Mower and Murray make an immensely strong pivot for the whole production. How blessed are the audiences who will see them in action.

Whoever you see in whatever roles, you will witness the highest quality theatrical experience it is possible to see in our land.


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